Home Barbara Beasley Southgate
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Oil Paintings by Barbara Beasley Southgate
Pastel Paintings by Barbara Beasley Southgate Sold Paintings by Barbara Beasley Southgate  
Oil Paintings by Barbara Beasley Southgate
Waters Edge - Canadian Bay Oil $850 12x15

Waters Edge - Canadian Bay Oil $850 12x15

Awaiting the Green Light on Collins Oil 28 x36  $2800

Awaiting the Green Light on Collins Oil 28 x36 $2800

Wanaka Country N.Z. Oil $2200 24x30

Wanaka Country N.Z. Oil $2200 24x30

Beachfront Marina  Paynesville Oil $2500  24x30

Beachfront Marina Paynesville Oil $2500 24x30

Harbour Life

Harbour Life

Beachfront near Lorne Vic. Oil $850 11x16

Beachfront near Lorne Vic. Oil $850 11x16

Lazy Day  Point Lonsdale Oil $2800  24x36

Lazy Day Point Lonsdale Oil $2800 24x36

Days End-Wye River Oil $1200  20x24

Days End-Wye River Oil $1200 20x24

Mobile Mania Oil $700  11x14

Mobile Mania Oil $700 11x14

Pavement Friends Oil $1280 24x18

Pavement Friends Oil $1280 24x18

Beach Barbercue Oil $2800 24x36

Beach Barbercue Oil $2800 24x36

The Fisherman

The Fisherman



Rocky Beach near Lorne

Rocky Beach near Lorne

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